Showing posts with label Eventos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eventos. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Torneo Argentino de Patín Artístico. Artistic Roller-blading.

I mentioned earlier that a very important sport event is taking place in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita this week. Well, yesterday I went to see how the girls are putting their artistic skills on roller-blades to practise.

It was the first time that I have ever seen something like this and it was so entertaining to watch. What a show they have put on. The competition was stiff and the girls gave their best. The finals will be tomorrow but unfortunately I will not be able to go.

I have taken many photos and if there are people who would like to purchase some of the photos, please contact me on:


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eventos Septiembre/ Events for September 2012

Dear Friends,

It is the beginning of a new month and we have a lot to look forward to. Most of the focus is on the Oktoberfest but our beautiful town offers other events too.

Something new that hasn`t been seen here before is the figure skating event that will take place from 5 to 9 September in SUM. What an exciting event and I am definitely looking forward to take some photos. SUM is a big hall where many events take place and I am curious to see how the cement floor will be transformed. I have never been to a figure skating event, this is quite exciting!

For all the art lovers out there. Don`t miss the art exhibition that is currently taking place in the Museo Estanislao Baños in the centre. Entrance is for free and the work of many talented artists can be seen here.

Last but not least: OKTOBERFEST!!! Yes the weekend of the 28th the event will open. It is jam-packed with incredible events. Dances, ballet,music, food and lots and lots of entertainment. We are fully booked for the long weekend but we are urging people to attend the first weekend. Why? First of all the entrance to the Beer Garden is free. Second, it is much more comfortable and you don`t have to wait hours to get a beer, food to eat or to find a place to sit. Imagine the queues at the restrooms!

We still have availability if you are interested: or visit our website 

Hostel Tinktinkie

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