Showing posts with label Sunsets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunsets. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

An incredible sunset at Hostel Tinktinkie!

Last night I was privileged to watch this spectacular sunset. I caught myself many times just staring at this! I have said this many times before but I will say it again: "God is the most creative Artist!"

I hope you enjoy it is as much as I did!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Amazing sunsets in the Calamuchita Valley!

I almost missed this beautiful sunset at the Hostel last night. I was curled up in front of the fire and when I quickly stepped outside I saw it! I ran into the house and grabbed my camera. I love sunsets. Just imagine: It is something that you find any place in the world. It is free and it always takes your breath away.God is such a Creative Painter! 

I found this beautiful poem and would like to share it. Enjoy!

Every night
The horizon lights up
Swirls of pink and orange
Fading to blue and purple

Few bother to look anymore
At a blessing
That only comes once a day

Each sunset is different
No   two exactly alike
Difference flows throughout
While it is the only similarity

Over the ocean
Or through the sky scrapers
Out on the prairie
Or in an apartment

You can still see a piece
A piece of something
Something never to return
A sunset

For the colors are shimmering
For a moment they stay
Only to disappear into change
Change just as beautiful as the last

This is why
No matter where you go
One thing remains the same,
A difference in sunsets

In your very own sunset

Jessica Millsaps

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