Showing posts with label Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2013

A variety of birds

We always see a lot of different bird species at the Hostel. I must admit that many of the birds I don`t know by name. Over the years I have watched them carefully and many birds come back and make a nest in the same place than the previous year.

This year I have seen new birds that I haven`t seen before. A couple of weeks ago we heard a noise outside and I saw a group of birds in the grass. They were busy with something. I grabbed my camera and tried to sneak up on them.

This was easier said than done because they were very alert and kept on looking. They were definitely busy eating something. I moved closer but two of them flew away.

I fired a couple of shots and eventually they all flew away. We went closer to have a look what they were eating - fruits.

After all of that commotion I still don`t have a name for these birds. If somebody knows, please let me know. I will appreciate it.

We often get visitors at Hostel Tinktinkie that are bird watchers. It is so lovely to be able to live close to nature and to see these beautiful birds. That is where they belong. In the wild and free as a bird.

For more information about special offers please visit our website or our Facebook page.

Ps. No birds were harmed or injured in the shooting process.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Torneo Argentino de Patin en Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

La Municipalidad de Santa Rosa de Calamuchita  informa que entre los días 20 y 26 de Mayo de 2013 se llevará a cabo el Torneo Argentino de Patín Artístico (divisional B ), en Santa Rosa de Calamuchita  Este se desarrollará en las instalaciones del Salón de Usos Múltiples (S.U.M) del Camping Municipal.

El mismo es  organizado y fiscalizado por la C.A.P (Confederación Argentina de Patín) y la Federación Cordobesa, y participarán algo mas de 600 patinadores que van  desde los  8 años a categoría mayores.

Las actividades darán comienzo los días 19 y 20 de Mayo con las pruebas de pista y a partir del martes  21 se  iniciará la competencia alrededor de las 8.00 horas  finalizando la jornada cerca de las 20.00 horas. (así sucesivamente durante toda la semana).

Los participantes que nos visitarán son integrantes del seleccionado de patín artístico de cada provincia de nuestro país, entre ellos: Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Mendoza, San Luís, Catamarca, Misiones, Chubut,  Río Negro, La Pampa, Santa Fe, Salta y por supuesto Córdoba.

Dicho torneo permitirá la competencia  en  disciplina libre y escuela, como así también participarán parejas de alto.

El costo de la entrada será de  $ 25 (menores de 12 años gratis).

También se comunica que  la Escuela Municipal de Patín Artístico de Santa Rosa, participará del primer Torneo Zonal del año 2013 organizado por la Federación Cordobesa de Patín, el próximo sábado 18 de mayo en la localidad cordobesa de Marull.

Del mismo 13 chicas de entre 7 y 12 años, competirán en disciplina libre y escuela.
Las primeras 5  clasificadas de cada categoría participaran del torneo provincial en el próximo mes de Julio.

Mas informacion y Reservas:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

An Upgraded Private Room

We have recently decided to upgrade one of our Private Rooms. This was the first room that were finished when we built Hostel Tinktinkie in 2008/2009. I remember the night before we had our first booking so well.

Friends of Andrey booked the room for a week and this was the only room that we had available at the time. There was no kitchen yet. Andrey finished the tiling and last of the grouting and at 3 am in the morning I sat down on the bed and I cried. It was tears of tiredness, stress and relief. We had our first room ready for people.

At the start of the season (2013) I decided to change the duvet and bedding and I purchased a beautiful reversible duvet set from a lady in Buenos Aires. I decided to stay with the lime green colors but to add black in case I get tired of the green. After the high season we will paint the room but will stay with the same colors.

We invite you to visit our upgraded room when you want to enjoy the beautiful summer holidays in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. Remember we have the annual Carnaval coming up on 8,9 and 10 February. We still have some places available.

Bookings: or 03546-15-437721

Hostel Tinktinkie en Santa Rosa de Calamuchita
The upgraded room with a new duvet

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Torneo Argentino de Patín Artístico. Artistic Roller-blading.

I mentioned earlier that a very important sport event is taking place in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita this week. Well, yesterday I went to see how the girls are putting their artistic skills on roller-blades to practise.

It was the first time that I have ever seen something like this and it was so entertaining to watch. What a show they have put on. The competition was stiff and the girls gave their best. The finals will be tomorrow but unfortunately I will not be able to go.

I have taken many photos and if there are people who would like to purchase some of the photos, please contact me on:


Friday, September 7, 2012

After the rain

It rained a lot yesterday and the night before. This morning when we woke up the air was fresh and clean and all traces of dirt and have been washed away. I can start to smell spring in the air.

I went to photograph the roller-blade competition and on my way I stopped to take some photos of the river that is now flowing at a steady pace. How wonderful to see our river full of water again after the winter.

The Calamuchita Valley is so beautiful and I cannot wait for those warm sunny days to arrive!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

La Provincia de Córdoba presenta una variada oferta turística, que combina cultura, naturaleza y una extensa gama de servicios. Córdoba está ubicada en el corazón de la Argentina, donde los llanos se convierten en sierras, con ríos que se desprenden de sus laderas, donde el aire huele a hierbas y los paisajes adoptan las más variadas formas y colores.

 Gracias a su ubicación estratégica y a su moderno aeropuerto internacional, Córdoba se ha convertido en uno de los centros turísticos más importantes del país, con conectividad directa con las principales ciudades de Argentina, Latinoamérica y el mundo. Esta Provincia es un lugar ideal para disfrutar de un placentero descanso en contacto con la naturaleza, la historia y la cultura.\


Estamos esperando su visita! 03546-15-437721 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eventos Septiembre/ Events for September 2012

Dear Friends,

It is the beginning of a new month and we have a lot to look forward to. Most of the focus is on the Oktoberfest but our beautiful town offers other events too.

Something new that hasn`t been seen here before is the figure skating event that will take place from 5 to 9 September in SUM. What an exciting event and I am definitely looking forward to take some photos. SUM is a big hall where many events take place and I am curious to see how the cement floor will be transformed. I have never been to a figure skating event, this is quite exciting!

For all the art lovers out there. Don`t miss the art exhibition that is currently taking place in the Museo Estanislao Baños in the centre. Entrance is for free and the work of many talented artists can be seen here.

Last but not least: OKTOBERFEST!!! Yes the weekend of the 28th the event will open. It is jam-packed with incredible events. Dances, ballet,music, food and lots and lots of entertainment. We are fully booked for the long weekend but we are urging people to attend the first weekend. Why? First of all the entrance to the Beer Garden is free. Second, it is much more comfortable and you don`t have to wait hours to get a beer, food to eat or to find a place to sit. Imagine the queues at the restrooms!

We still have availability if you are interested: or visit our website 

Hostel Tinktinkie

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mountain Bike Rally in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

In one of my previous posts I wrote about the 6th annual Mountain Bike Rally that will be taking place in our pretty little town. Yesterday I saw photos on the Facebook page of the Tourist Office that a number of cyclists turned up to register for the event.

This morning I made my way down to Playa Santa Rita where the starting line was. I was running a little late and when I saw cyclists heading in that direction, I thought I was too late and missed the start. Luckily I wasn`t and it was also people who were running late like me!

It`s been such a long time since I have seen so many cyclists together. What a sight! The sirens were wailing and before I had time to pick a nice spot, the guys started to cycle past me. I didn`t stay for their return and lingered a little while longer before I headed back home.

Well done to all the cyclists who participated in the event. I hope some people grabbed some nice prices. I believe 35,000 pesos worth of prizes were up for grabs!

More photos can be seen here:
Mountain Bike Rally in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita - 2 Sept 2012.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Semana Santa Rosa

Starting tomorrow this coming week is a busy one in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. It is a week full of interesting events. Let`s take a closer look:


Sortijas,lanzas, comidas criollas y la presencia del grupo chamamecero "Las dos M del Chamame".

Where: En el complejo La Estancia desde las 11:00
Entrada: 15 Pesos por persona

Lunes 27 de Agosto a 27 de Septiembre: VIENTOS DE ARTES

Pintores locales.

Where: Museo Estanislao Baños
Dates: Lunes a Sábados 9:30 a 12:30 y 16h00 a 19H30

Miércoles 29 de Agosto:BANDA LA BARRA

Where: SUM Camping Municipal
Entrada: 50 pesos visitantes desde 23:30

For more information please consult the calender below. We are looking forward to your booking at

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

La Banda: Biggest Band in Cordoba to release CD on 5 January in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

The holiday season is starting,which means a lot of activities are plannned in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita. We at Hostel Tinktinkie are looking forward to all the events.

One of the events that are planned by the Santa Rosa de Calamuchita Municipality is taking place on 5 January 2012. One of the most popular music groups in Cordoba, La Banda, is releasing their new music CD. Music, sun and dancing! What a great way to start the new year!

Hostel Tinktinkie en Santa Rosa de Calamuchita has limited places available. Contact us for reservations.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Moment in Time!

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A photo – no words – capturing any moment - A simple, special, extraordinary moment.

A moment you want to pause, savour and remember.

“This Moment” is a ritual found on Life inspired by the Wee Man adopted from SouleMama which is an extension to Nelieta Travelling Adventures

This is our moment at Hostel Tinktinkie!

If you have a Moment please share your link in the comments section and I will pop in to have a look .. Ciao!

Hostel Tinktinkie en Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Moment in Time!

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A photo – no words – capturing any moment - A simple, special, extraordinary moment.

A moment you want to pause, savour and remember.

“This Moment” is a ritual found on Life inspired by the Wee Man adopted from SouleMama which is an extension to Nelieta Travelling Adventures

This is our moment at Hostel Tinktinkie!

If you have a Moment please share your link in the comments section and I will pop in to have a look .. Ciao!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Santa Rosa de Calamuchita: The Waterfall (La Cascada)

One of the places that we recommend to visit in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita is the waterfall. It is an easy hike which could take anything from 50 minutes to an hour. There are two hiking routes which are clearly marked. Both of them lead to the waterfall but vary in difficulty.

Hiking routes to the waterfall

This hike can be enjoyed by the whole family and we have had people here at the Hostel who took a 2 year old with them. Obviously the hike will take longer and you will have to carry the little one in some places.

There are seats available right in front of the waterfall to enjoy the view. Trees provide nice shade and this hike can also be enjoyed on a hot day.

The waterfall does not have a lot of water during winter and a low rain season. But it is never completely dry and you will still be able to enjoy the hike. My favourite time of the year to hike there is during the summer months when everything is green!

Entrance to the waterfall can be a little tricky. You will find a sign (Restaurante Águila) in Ruta 5 close to the Petrobras station. Right at the top of the road is a restaurant where you can park your car or bicycle. Climb through the fence (It is fenced off for the cows) and start your walk. Entrance is normally free but during the high season an entrance fee of 2 pesos are charged.

En medio de las Sierras Grandes frente a Santa Rosa de Calamuchita podemos disfrutar de un salto de agua de una arroyo en medio de la Quebrada.

Para acceder a ella debemos ir por la Ruta nº 5 y pasar unos 100 mts la estación de servicios Petrobras (en sentido norte - sur) y a mano izquierda veremos un cartel que indica Restaurant "El Águila".

Tomamos ese camino y a unos 1000 mts encontraremos un playón de estacionamiento. Desde allí comienza el recorrido a píe de unos 50 min. aprox.

Hostel Tinktinkie en Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Newsletter June 2011

Dear,Family and Friends,

Andrey and I are greeting you from a very cold Argentina!Last night we made our first fire in the fireplace and it was wonderful to hear the sound of the wood as it was burning. I love the smell too! I don´t like many things about the winter but this I do like. To cuddle up next to the fire and to feel the warmth on my skin. We still have a long way to go and spring will only be here on 21 September!

When I wrote to you last month I was worried that I will be running out of news. To my surprise it was an action packed month and I have too much to tell you! Our town hosted a couple of exciting events like the Argentina Ralley 2011, a traditional Cowboy show, I celebrated my birthday and we had a couple of interesting people at the Hostel! On a sadder note we had a small gas explosion in the geyser but luckily without major damage.

Let me tell you more about that. The man who installed our gas geyser did a terrible job. The pipe he used was too small and the angle was wrong. For 2 years we have battled with a geyser that keeps on cutting out when it is warm. Poor Andrey had to sit in front of the geyser many a night to manually operate it. It was just my luck that one morning when I switched it on,an explosion occurred inside the geyser. It could have been condensation or dirt in the pipe but nevertheless the explosion was so powerful that it blew the pipe out of the geyser and some papers on the notice board.

I was in such a shock that I couldn´t remember Andrey´s telephone number. He left for town a couple of minutes before this unfortunate incident. Luckily I didn´t get injured and we had no major damage to the geyser. Andrey had to buy a bigger pipe and make a huge hole in the wall. Now the geyser is working like a dream and we have permanent hot water.

Lovers of fast cars would have loved the Ralley Argentina! People came from everywhere to support the event. There were no South Africans in the race but two Russian cars. One car had a female driver. I wrote a blog about it so you are welcome to read all about it. Rally Argentina 2011

Last Monday Argentinians celebrated "Day of the flag". This is a very important celebration and when I have heard that our town will be hosting a show where the gauchos or Argentinian cowboys will be performing, I knew I was not going to miss this one. I have never seen the cowboys in action and this was a great opportunity. The Cowboys of Argentina!

Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes! I had a lovely day with a very nice braai and a delicious piece of meringue cake! We also watched the rugby! Yes we do follow the Super 15 here in Argentina. We watch it on the Internet. Poor Andrey didn´t have much of a choice who to support. I bought him a Sharks hat when he was in South Africa and he has been a loyal supporter ever since. I will be holding thumbs for my team - The Stormers!!!!

 I am saying goodbye with a funny Russian music video that was sent to us by a German friend, Thomas. Enjoy!

A big hug from Santa Rosa de Calamuchita.

Andrey & Nelieta

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rally Argentina 2011 in Santa Rosa de Calamuchita

The Rally Argentina has been hosted in the Cordoba province since 1984. Contestants love the narrow gravel roads with the occasional water-splashes. The Rally Argentina is an Argentine rally competition that has been both a round of the World Rally Championship and the Intercontinental Rally Challenge.

This year more than 71 contestants from all over the world entered the competition. Normally the rally starts in Villa Carlos Paz and then take the people through the Calamuchita Valley. The route this year included both paved and dirt roads which makes the competition so much more interesting.

The other big news was that this year a new category of cars, The World Rally Cars. These cars have 1600 turbo engines. Which ones are we talking about? The Citroën WRC DS3 and Ford Fiesta RS WRC.

So how was our Hostel involved in the Rally? All the action happened 700m from the hostel and people needed a place to sleep.

This was the first year that we watched the Rally. I must admit I am not normally the kind of person that get very excited before the time. Yes the Rally was passing here but first priority off-course was our guests. If there was time left to watch the Rally then all good and well. Luckily I had an opportunity to go there for a couple of hours in the morning and Andrey later in the afternoon when they returned on the same road.

I could immediately see that a lot of things were happening in the main road. People were selling souvenirs, food and making their way up the hill. I had no idea where the best place would be to take photos. So I decided to follow the group in front of me and see where the road was taking me.

It was already packed and the cars were not expected for the next hour or more. People were in good spirits and I found a spot which I thought looked good. But quickly more and more people were arriving almost pushing me out of the way to get a better look. I stood my ground, determined to get a good shot of the cars as they came around the corner.

The crowds were very entertaining and I enjoyed the humour even more now that I am able to speak Spanish. Where the crowds lacked in entertainment the film crew made up for it. Two Chinese photographers came walking up the hill towards us. They were carrying a lot of cameras.

One man in particular was very funny. He was also looking for a good spot to set-up his camera. It was obvious that he battled to find a good place and started to pace the road. It was not long or a dog from without nowhere started to follow him. People were getting anxious because cars were approaching but he thought they wanted him to take a photo of them! Which he did!

The dog was also a concern and some bystanders threw a delicious piece of barbecued meat at him to get him out of the way. Then they shouted at the photographer to get out of the way because the cars were coming.I don´t think the poor man understood a word of Spanish!

The first car came around the corner like a roar of thunder and left us all in a cloud of dust. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I liked this! People were cheering and clapping.

I stood there eating dust and small rocks for a little while and then decided to find a better place. The dust is not good for my camera and I don´t like the taste. As I made my way down the hill I couldn´t help to think in what a beautiful place we are living.

I had to slowly make my way through the crowds. There were a lot of people. I walked back almost to the entrance and then all of a sudden I saw an ideal place to take photos. It was the pit-stop and the drivers got out of their cars to change wheels or whatever they had to do. I love photographing people so I couldn´t have been in a better place! I was not disappointed.

The contestants were also having fun. A quick word with the other drivers, smiles, jokes and then they were on their way. I really liked this place where I was standing.

The cars started to come in one after another now and my camera couldn´t stop clicking. I was moving away from the pit stop and was now heading back to the entrance of Portezuelo.

Cars were roaring past me. I wanted to stay longer but it was time to go home. I was covered in dust but I didn´t mind. I had a great day!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Amazing sunsets in the Calamuchita Valley!

I almost missed this beautiful sunset at the Hostel last night. I was curled up in front of the fire and when I quickly stepped outside I saw it! I ran into the house and grabbed my camera. I love sunsets. Just imagine: It is something that you find any place in the world. It is free and it always takes your breath away.God is such a Creative Painter! 

I found this beautiful poem and would like to share it. Enjoy!

Every night
The horizon lights up
Swirls of pink and orange
Fading to blue and purple

Few bother to look anymore
At a blessing
That only comes once a day

Each sunset is different
No   two exactly alike
Difference flows throughout
While it is the only similarity

Over the ocean
Or through the sky scrapers
Out on the prairie
Or in an apartment

You can still see a piece
A piece of something
Something never to return
A sunset

For the colors are shimmering
For a moment they stay
Only to disappear into change
Change just as beautiful as the last

This is why
No matter where you go
One thing remains the same,
A difference in sunsets

In your very own sunset

Jessica Millsaps

Friday, May 30, 2008

Land Hunting!

Andrey and I were sitting in Buenos Aires one night and we were discussing what we were looking for in land. I remember our conversation very well. Andrey wanted land close to mountains and a river. We also wanted the land to be in a touristy part of Argentina but not too busy. We wanted to be in nature. We did discuss the possibility to buy a house and renovate it, but it would not be what we wanted. Andrey also loved getting involved in the actual building process.

We were talking to some friends and they told us about the Calamuchita Valley and in particular Santa Rosa De Calamuchita. It is a very popular holiday destination for locals. The Santa Rosa river runs through it, mountains on either side of the valley and a Mediterranean climate . I was already impressed. We bought a map and started to land hunt on the Internet. This was not an easy task. The reason was that prices advertised were not the true prices or some people never bothered to reply to emails. We started to make a list of all the land available and we made a short list. We narrowed it down to Merlo in the San Luis province and Santa Rosa De Calamuchita in the Cordoba Province. We made appointments with the land owners and set off to Carpinteria first. We were very close to Merlo and some smaller towns in the area.

I loved Carpinteria but it was a very small town. There was no bank or supermarket. There were a lot of land available but people wanted ridiculous prices. The nature was beautiful. I am sure in time this will become a very popular tourist destination but it did not quite suit our needs. We also met a German woman who wanted to sell a large piece of land but she was in no hurry to sell.

Villa Elena was really beautiful and unspoilt. But you had to drive in to Merlo every time you wanted something. Buses were also not passing on a regular basis. We spent the day hiking and enquiring about land. We had a wonderful time. We attended an art exhibition in Merlo the next day and then we spent one last day exploring Merlo. The weather changed rapidly and the next morning it was snowing!

We said goodbye to the San Luis province and left over the mountain to the Cordoba province.We both loved the town. We took a couple of trips to the surrounding towns and explored touristy places like Villa General Belgrano and La Cumbrecita. Now to find something that will suit our pockets!

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