Monday, August 30, 2010

Dinner time at Tinktinkie.

One of the things we love do at Tinktinkie is to have dinner with our guests. There is something magical about having dinner at the dinner table. I love to use my maroon and gold table cloth from Thailand,  for these special occasions. These occasions are special indeed. I believe that food brings people together. It is one of those rare moments where you can relax, enjoy the food and company and forget about all your worries.

Dinner time at Tinktinkie is special. Andrey is an expert cook and I must admit he prepares most of the dishes. They are way too exotic for me to make! My speciality is the Russian salad. We have a couple of dishes that we like to prepare. Our favourite of course is the "asado", "braai" or barbeque with the Russian salad. But meat has become very expensive so we don't do that often. The other favourites are "Plov" and "meat balls" . They are excellent dishes.

We have also introduced the "Empanada" evening. This is a fun evening where everybody gets involved in the preparation of the food.  We  have a tradition at Hostel Tinktinkie where we "toast". Toasting is a fun way of welcoming people and to thank them for coming here.

This is exactly what we have done when Justin came here for the weekend. We decided to make "Plov". Now "Plov" is an Asian dish where you use chicken, eggplant, rice, carrots and onions. There is a specific way to prepare "Plov". I will not get into details but you are welcome to ask us for the recipe. Justin went hiking for the day and was starving by the time he got back. We had a wonderful evening, enjoyed the company and especially the food. Ru was just as happy because she got some left overs.

Who knows maybe we will have dinner with you soon?

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